Research Mission🧑🏽‍🔬: Productivity AI

Most current AI recommenders are trained to improve investor revenues while letting their applications deliver sub-par user experience. Instead, AI should help you learn, grow, achieve and get things done. Its training objective should be optimizing your potential. Therefore, I want to develop a productivity AI assistant that manages and executes your tasks by conversing with you (like J.A.R.V.I.S.). I believe communication is one of the most powerful tools invented by mankind. Giving computers the power of understanding human conversations will automate many repetitive jobs and accelerate innovation.

To pursue this dream, I study and work on open-domain dialog, natural language generation, and deep learning. Existing research in robotics 1, embodied AI 2 and large language models 3 have demonstrated that fundamental blocks to build such a machine already exists!


I am a Computer Science Ph.D. student at Georgia Tech, co-advised by Prof. Mark Rield and Prof. Alan Ritter. My primary research focus is on open-domain dialog aka neural chatbots. I have published multiple papers in top-tier NLP conferences on improving the chatbot’s response quality, fluency, and safety (see the list of publications below). Previously, I received a master’s thesis in Computer Science from The Ohio State University under the guidance of Prof. Alan Ritter. Before that, I was a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research (MSR), India, for one year. I worked with Dr. Monojit Choudhury on word-level language identification of code-switched text. I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

Contact 📧

The best way to contact me is through email You can find links to my profiles in other social media and github at the bottom of the page.

Publications 📃

Other Interests/Ideas💡/Activities🚣🏽

Somewhat Explored:

  • Cooking 🍳
  • Traveling ✈️
  • Yoga and meditation 🧘🏽
  • Hiking 🥾
  • Skating 🛼
  • Gaming 🎮
  • Mobile game development 👨🏽‍💻
  • Having long conversations about life 🧬, universe 🌌, science 🧪, politics 🗳️ and philosophy

Want to Explore (in Future):

  • VR app development 👨🏽‍💻
  • Video Blogging ⏯️

🆓 Tools🛠️ and Extensions🧰 for Productivity

Recommended websites and browser extensions to boost your productivity:

  • A database-style note-taking website/app. Helps you organize your thoughts/progress into digital notebook.
  • Xmind: A digital notebook to make mind maps and diagrams.
  • Grammarly: Free grammar checking app/website/extension.
  • Quillbot: Free paraphrasing tool.
  • Kami: PDF highlighting browser extension. Saves all highlights and annotations on cloud.
  • Dark Reader: Darkify any website using this browser extension to reduce strain on your poor eyes. Remember to often blink and hydrate💧!
  • Mailtrack: Free Gmail extension to track sent emails.

My Cats 🐈

Appa (LEAN FLUFFY Boi) (previously a CHONKY Boi):


Momo (LEAN Boi):
